I thought I was following along and the BAM!!! Like Emeril (sp?)...I didn't know there would be diced crab in that!!! BAM!!! What? I'm freaking lost!
SkinsRaj, believe me or not, I am good with women, AND my advice is to never show a woman you are dating the full Monty (all your tricks)...ok? You will be better off if you get nicely settled in before she sees the ink/dye on the belly for the game type stunts...women are not men.
In fact, I want you all to remember (this is not aimed at SkinsRaj...this is aimed at all of you that hope to find women to marry) and repeat this if you are dating...'Women are not men...they do not appreciate the man way...do not show them the man way.... In fact, first rule of man club is not to speak about man club....' You win women by doing what women like to do...dinner, theater, movies, holding off on chasing for sex until the relationship is very late to married..(women are crazy about you slowing them down...I know it's hard.)
Always be separate from their emotion: makes them like you. Always empathize with their emotion: makes them like you. Always stand your ground in arguments nicely and quietly and abstain (sex) from them for as long as you can...seriously, if you like them then this actually helps them believe you like them....oddly this is true, too. If you don't like them, fuck them six times in a week and drop them. tulsa